Basic Cardio Routines and Breaking Down Flexibility Routines


Cardio Routines

Cardiovascular workouts keep your heart healthy and at the same time act as an essential factor in fitness training. Daily cardio exercises should not make you feel bored, but shouldn?t make you feel too tired as well. These workouts can be simply done at your home through basic routines.

The main target of a cardio exercise is to raise your heart rate through large muscle movement which is sustained over a period of time. The heart rate must be kept at least 50 percent of its maximum level. Aside from improving your health, cardio routines can help you burn fat and lose weight simultaneously.


There are several machines and equipment which can be used for cardio exercise, but you can create your own. Here are the exercises you can engage in:

Running and Biking

Running at 5.2 mph can help you burn 600 calories/hour effectively. You can run with your neighborhood or friends instead of spending extra time at the gym. Running has been a social activity since running shoes are made available at a cheaper price. Also, due to the influence of social media, running has become the # (hostage) fitness goal.

Meanwhile, after the emergence of triathlon, a multiple-stage competition involving the completion swimming, cycling, and running, more and more get engaged in biking. Biking through a constant speed on an inclined surface can burn 500 to 1000 calories per hour. Others also incorporate biking before or after hiking. It can also be utilized as your means of transportation going to school or work if the local public works and highways allow it.


When the sun is out, swimming would be the perfect cardiovascular exercise for you. Enjoy the heat of the sun, get refreshed and lose 800/calories per hour while doing the breast stroke at a fast pace. Swimming could be the best cardiovascular activity as it helps maintain a healthy heart, lungs and weight. This activity can keep your heart rate up, builds endurance and muscle strength.


Regular walking can lessen the chances of having a heart attack since ?the heart tends to deliver more oxygen to the organs efficiently. Walking can improve your mood if you are suffering from depression and it lowers blood pressure. According to studies, walking at 4.25 miles per hour can burn 360 calories. If you are not fond of this activity, you can start at a walking rate of 3.5 miles per hour and slowly adjust it at 4.0 miles per hour until you reach the recommended pace. The best thing about walking is that it can lead to a higher level of fitness and yet only a low-impact activity.

Breaking Down Flexibility Routines

Workout routines are generally categorized into four ? endurance, strength, balance and flexibility. Each type of exercise guarantees benefits when performed on a daily basis. Some have tried to mix or to combine; however, it is better to consult your fitness instructor to determine the appropriate activity or activities for you.

To get started, here?s a breakdown of the type of exercise which can give you an ultimate freedom of movement and let your body stay limber- Flexibility.

Basics of Flexibility

Improving your flexibility lessens the chance of having injuries while performing any activity. Your muscles typically get stretched and there could be improvement in the range of motion in your joints. Once your muscle is well stretched you can free yourself from back pain and balance problems. Additionally, flexibility routines ensure that your muscle will be at its ideal length, thus the muscle-length tension relationship can be enhanced and your strength during critical motions will be sustained.

Caution on Flexibility Routines

  1. Conduct a warm up before the flexibility routines.
  2. Make sure to stretch before you feel any discomfort.
  3. Hold the stretch for a minimum of 10 seconds and you may extend it up to 30 seconds.
  4. Once you feel pain, immediately stop stretching.
  5. Before performing another stretch, make sure to shake out your limbs first.

Example of Flexibility Routines

  1. Sit on the ground, extend your legs and put your hands on your hips. Raise your arms, shoulder level. Slowly lean forward and try to reach your toes. Go back to your original position. Repeat this for 16 counts, then take a rest. Breathe in and breathe out. This can be done in three to five minutes.
  2. Kneel on the ground and sit on your feet (it will look like the traditional Korean sitting position). Put your arms on your side, raise them and slowly bend forward. Let your palms touch the ground. Go back to your original position. Repeat this for 8 counts. Take a deep breath in and out. You may perform this routine for three to five minutes.
  3. Stand straight and put your arm across your chest. Extend your arm and put your hand on your elbow. Hold your position for 10 seconds and then repeat the routine on the other arm. Next, let your right arm reach your left back. Gently press your head to the left. Hold it for 8 counts. Repeat the same pattern on your left arm.
  4. Stand straight and pull your right leg until it reaches your butt using your right arm, which is placed above your ankle. Stand still for 8 counts and try not to lose your balance. Repeat this on the other leg.
  5. Face the wall and stand two feet from it. Your feet must be 12 inches apart. Next, put your palms on the wall. Then, stand on your right leg while your left leg is extended slantwise. Push the wall and slowly bend your arms, both forming acute angles, while your leg is extended. Do the same thing with your other leg. This routine can be done in 16 counts and the duration depends on you.


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