Five Common Myths on Fitness Training


Fitness Training

There are many controversies surrounding the field of fitness due to the unprecedented and sometimes out of this world perception. Once a belief is passed from one person to another, the authenticity and the consistency will be at stake.

With more than a hundred of misconceptions on fitness training, the following are the top five of the most common myths.

Ultimate Fitness

  1. Heavier Resistance ? It is a common belief that there should be a higher resistance when conducting a routine in order to achieve maximum potential and optimum strength. Fitness masters would actually suggest lighter resistance if you want to attain toned muscles and endurance. On the other hand, there are specified resistance levels for different modes of exercise.
  2. More Calories, Weight Gain ? Although it may be a clich?, anything that is beyond the required level of calories is dangerous to your health. At some point it could be true that more calories intake is associated with weight gain. However, recent reports explain that metabolism has a greater role in how you gain or lose weight. It is reasonable to conclude that the manner of digestion is responsible for your weight more than the calories or any micronutrients.
  3. Spot Training Efficiency ? Most of the gym goers apply spot training, thinking that it is effective, but that?s not the reality. If you want to lose fats in a certain body area, you will experience fat loss all over your body. That is how our body would normally react. Of course there are workouts that target a specific goal, however, you have to consult a fitness instructor or make further research to help you gain healthier muscles.
  4. Muscle Soreness ? It is a common idea that when you get your muscles sore, it means you had an extreme and effective workout. Not really. True enough, an intense workout will really result in painful muscles at the end, however, physiologists suggest that muscle soreness would only mean that a considerable amount of pressure is applied to the issue. Adding to this, if you conduct proper warm up and cool down, you may not have soreness at all or probably just a manageable muscle pain only.
  5. Extreme Sweating, Good Workout ? The room temperature and the humidity have something to do with perspiration. For instance, you perform an exercise in a room at 40 degrees, expect to sweat even with simple movements, but it doesn?t necessarily mean that you are losing too much fats. Meanwhile, if you conduct an intense exercise in an air conditioned room and yet you don?t perspire that much, it doesn?t mean you didn?t lose much. As explained by science, your body sweat due to the increase of your core temperature. This is the main reason why fitness experts do not recommend exercising in a warm area, you might get fooled by your sweat.





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